These publications, produced by member foundations and other respected institutions and listed here in order of publication date, provide important resources on issues in our field. We welcome submissions.

To submit a resource, please send to


pdf Evaluating Social Change: A Funder - Social Movement Dialogue (96 KB)

Forging Alliances South and North (ForAL), August 2011

A report summarizing discussions of a funder-social movement working group on evaluation tools and methodologies with a specific focus on evaluating social change.


pdf Future Choices: Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the Law (3.21 MB)

Jessica Arons for Center for American Progress, December 2007

A basic overview of assisted reproduction; three primary areas in which legislators and courts have already spoken; policy implications of their decisions.


pdf Emerging Answers 2007: Research Findings on Programs to Reduce Teen Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (5.68 MB)

Douglas Kirby for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy October 2007

What is an effective program and what can effective programs accomplish?


pdf Women's Health In the Global Supply Chain (2.18 MB)

Business for Social Responsibility, October 2006

Major health trends in several countries, particularly as they relate to women' s reproductive health and the capacity for factory programs to address them. Identifies best practices and offers recommendations for factory managers to improve the health of women workers.


pdf Investing In A Diverse Democracy: Foundation Giving To Minority-Led Nonprofits (2.33 MB)

The Greenlining Institute, Fall 2006

A report on a study measuring “the role foundations are playing in empowering minority communities to contribute to the nation's cutting-edge public policy dialogue.


pdf Sexuality & Social Change - Making the Connection (505 KB)

Ford Foundation, May 2006

"Sexuality is a broad and complex field that offers many entry points for action and strategic investment. Worldwide, many believe the time is right to advance this pioneering and crucial work. They also believe that addressing sexuality, sexual health and sexual rights is key to achieving greater social change and social justice in the 21st century."


pdf Sex Worker Health and Rights - Where is the Funding? (245 KB)

SHARP - Open Society Institute

A report "commissioned to gauge the extent of existing funding for sex worker health and rights organizations and to examine the implications for the funding or donor community as well as for groups around the world that work on sex worker rights and health issues."

pdf Fairness in Philanthropy Part I: Foundation Giving to Minority-led Nonprofits (5.79 MB)

The Greenlining Institute, November 2005

This report quantifies "foundation giving to minority-led nonprofits to assess how equitably foundation dollars and resources are allocated among the sector." The findings "demonstrate that grants to minority-led nonprofits from independent and community foundations is markedly inadequate, with only 3% of total grant dollars being awarded to minority organizations in 2002."

pdf Fairness in Philanthropy Part II: Perspectives from the Field (4.84 MB)

The Greenlining Institute, November 2005

"Greenling conducted a follow-up survey of minority nonprofit leaders and foundation presidents to address several important questions raised by the findings [noted above]. This report provides answers to critical questions and highlights several important observations."

  pdf Investing In Youth - A Donor Guide (400 KB)

Donor Group on Adolescent Reproductive Health and Development

Why donors should invest in young people in relation to their sexual and reproductive .health, and how they can make a considerable impact.